Basket 14: exploring structure
This is my second rib basket, but my first egg basket. The ribs, which you can see clearly and some of the process photographs, allows one to create a structure before the weaving begins. In fact it demands it. It's very architectural how this framework is made, and explored. One can see the implied form before the weaving even begins.
This basket was certainly my most challenging to date. And, I would say, perhaps the one I have most proud of. A number of things in this process, not least of which was how to form and reform the basket during the weaving process. The ribs have a tendency to shift and move during weaving so I have to go back consistently and reshape, and even resize, some of the ribs to maintain the shape I was working toward. I also learned something about adding weavers to the shape, and can see ways that it could be done artistically. I'm especially happy with how I decorated the lower half of the handle which forms the central rid of the basket. This was actually a series of experiments that had me weave and undo the work three separate times. The final solution looks pretty good to my estimation. I'm still not sure of the handle should be left plane or if it too should be decorated, but a number of the images I've seen show it plane so I'm going leave it like that for now. Of course the decorated handles that I've seen in pictures puts my first attempt to, well, a first attempt.
In the next rib baskets I can explore new kinds of 'ears.' This is the name of the lashing where the rim and the handle our secured together. Future decoration of the handle and a more elaborate decoration of the top the rim. Of course the varied forms offered by rib construction are immense with possibilities, and I could see as a path from the more functional basket to something very sculptural. I'm planning to dye this one once I get a vat of black wallet dye ready.
I know I have a lot to learn in how to weave on the ribs, especially for 'filling in.' This is how one makes up for the variations in the curvature of the ribs.
(I've since had this basket photographed. Please follow this link to view the images)